Architecture // Custom Furniture // Interior Design
I just googled “chair” and received “about 128,000,000 results in 0.45 seconds.” Phew! If I looked at each result for an average of 30 seconds, it would take me approximately 64 years to look at all of them, so right now, there are enough chairs on the market to last a lifetime of searching. So who needs another chair? That said, I fully intend on completing the design and execution of not only a chair, but a full line of furnishings, carpets and lighting and bring them to market.
I’ve come to realize, however, the need for a paradigm shift from furniture as it exists today and furniture better suited for 21st century lifestyles. As I mentioned in a previous post, as a society, we are object oriented: we relate to tangible items; things. From that standpoint, we move to a new house and fill the spaces with objects, mainly furniture. Stuff and more stuff to meet our everyday needs.

Let’s take the bedroom, for instance. Here’s a list of some items we likely need for it to function: